Pro-life advocates have found the long sought-after silver lining in the dark cloud of the Madoff scandal
Pro-life advocates have found the long sought-after silver lining in the dark cloud of the Madoff scandal. The abortion business appears to have been hurt by the fallout of this giant Ponzi scheme.

The $50 billion swindle worked by hedge fund manager Bernard L. Madoff has hurt individuals, banks, insurance companies, foundations and other non-profit groups. The only consolation until now has been that other hedge funds also lost money in the Madoff scheme. Like arctic sunshine though, such comfort brings little warmth.

News broke recently that the pro-abortion, billion dollar Picower Foundation has closed because of the Madoff debacle. Picower contributed heavily to such pro-abortion groups as Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and Center for Reproductive Rights. Although such funding is miniscule in proportion to these groups' overall revenues, the shortfall will likely hamper their efforts.

Many individuals and worthwhile groups lost their savings and fortunes in the Madoff scandal. For these people, there is no good news to its demise. To the life of a few unborn children though, maybe there is a slight silver lining.

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